There was a time in U.S. History, and not so long ago, when General John “Black Jack” Pershing was the most famous American alive. Feted by presidents, revered by soldiers, celebrated as a. 'Blackjack' Pershing (Be sure to read the story of how he dealt with Muslim Extremists at the bottom of the page) John Joseph 'Blackjack' Pershing (1860-1948) was born in Linn County, Missouri.

Welcome to the John J. Pershing website where you will discover many historical events and the reasons his legacy is so special. How did the General get the nickname 'Blackjack'? Were Ernest Hemingway and Walt Disney really WWI ambulance drivers? What did Pershing do at San Juan Hill? Did Pancho Villa really get away? How did Pershing build a 2.7 million man army and defeat the Central Powers ending the Great War in 19 months? How was the General promoted to 6 Star General? It's all here and documented as 100% historically correct, so start exploring our website and have some fun! Located midway between Hannibal and St Joseph, on US 36 is Laclede, Missouri home to the Pershing Park Memorial Association (PPMA) and the Pershing Boyhood Home State Park, a State and National historic site.John
  • Pershing was born in September 1860. His full name was John Joseph Pershing, and he was often referred to by his nickname ‘’Black Jack’’. Pershing was a senior officer in the United States Army, a role he had for a couple of years.
  • The recent decision to turn Pershing Park, near the White House, into a National World War I Memorial has re-focused attention on the commander of the American Expeditionary Force (A.E.F.)-General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing. The man himself had a wide and varied career even before the War.

You are also invited to check out our Facebook page where all the current events are updated and donations can be made. The PPMA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

If you would like to donate to the Pershing Museum fund checks can be sent to the Pershing Memorial Museum Development Fund, 900 Pershing Drive, Laclede., MO 64651.

General john j. blackjack pershingpershing

General John J. Blackjack Pershing

PPMA doings 4-6-17
Several board members had a great life experience at the WWI Centennial at the WWI Museum in Kansas City. The show was about the United States during the years leading up to our entry into WWI on April 6. 1917 one hundred years ago. We were the guests of Susan Menenga the WWI Centennial Commission Coordinator at the Pritzker Museum in Chicago. Five guests from Linn County's Pershing Park Memorial Association; Gail Turner, Jane Milford, Allison Ehrich, Jerry Dale and Rick Scruggs . We all got to sit in the VIP section of the event right up front. Highlights included the entry flight of the French Patrouille de France, aerobatic demonstration team of the French Air Force. The 1st Infantry Division Band Fort Riley, Kansas, played a melody that was simply outstanding. The Color Guard dressed in WWI uniforms also posted the colors. The story unfolded with narrators and visual back-ups on the two wide screen displays. It ended with Woodrow Wilson's agonizing decision to declare war on the German Austro-Hungarian Empire and our entry into WWI. The show ended with a thunderous 21 Gun Salute the shook downtown Kansas City followed by a B2 from Whiteman AFB flyover that was as quite as a mouse! Here are a few pics.

General john j. blackjack pershingpershing

The foremost military leader of his time, John J. 'Black Jack' Pershing (1860-1948) served the United States in the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, the Philippines, the Mexican Intervention, and the First World War. Pershing's leadership, organizational skills, and dedication to his missions, his men, and his country led to exceptional success in a wide variety of conflicts.

Pershing was born*September 13, 1860, in Laclede, Missouri, where his pro-Union father managed a general store.

The family survived the Civil War but was financially ruined in the depression of 1873. Young John worked on the family farm and, at age seventeen, began teaching at the local African American school.

He enrolled in the State Normal School in Kirksville, Missouri in 1879 and received his degree in Scientific Didactics.

Pershing initially wanted to be a lawyer, but he passed the United States Military Academy's comptetive admission exam. Though Pershing had never considered military life prior to his admission, he was attracted by the prospect of getting a first-rate education. Pershing entered West Point in 1882. Though Cadet Pershing's grades were average, his age and experience made him a natural leader.

Following his graduation in 1886, Pershing was assigned to the Sixth Cavalry Regiment on the Great Plains, where he fought in a series of Indian campaigns in New Mexico, Nebraska, and South Dakota and quickly gained recognition as a tough, competent officer.

General john j. blackjack pershing blvd

In 1891, Lieutenant Pershing accepted a position at the University of Nebraska as Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Over the course of four years, he revitalized the once-deficient military department.

Pershing’s next assignment was in Montana, where he led the Buffalo Soldiers of the Tenth Cavalry. Around this time, Pershing acquired the nickname 'Black Jack”.

Pershing was back teaching at West Point in when the Spanish-American War erupted in 1898. Lieutenant Pershing returned to the 10th Cavalry. The unit was sent to Cuba, where Pershing led his troops in the assault on San Juan Hill. Though the troopers of the 10th took heavy casualties, they served with distinction alongside Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's 'Rough Riders'. Pershing received the Silver Star for heroism under fire.

General John J. Blackjack Pershing Las Vegas

Following the war, Pershing returned to Washington as Chief of Customs and Insular Affairs for Cuba and Puerto Rico.

General John J. Blackjack Pershing

He was then transferred to the Philippines and assigned to the Eighth Corps and later the Fifteenth Cavalry, where he worked to pacify uprisings of the indigenous Muslims, the Moros. During this time, Pershing studied Moro dialects and culture, read the Koran, and formed close relationships with Moro chieftains. His success with the Moros led to permanent promotion to captain in 1901.

General John J. Blackjack Pershing Ii

Pershing directed the campaign at Lake Lanao in which he led troops through the jungle to an isolated location to disarm the Maciu Moros. For this success Pershing was hailed as an American hero upon his return to the States in 1903. President Roosevelt mentioned Pershing by name in an address to Congress advocating promotion of military officers by merit.

*Note: Some authors contend that Pershing was actually born on January 13, 1860 and that he changed his birthdate to September 13 in order to meet the 22 year-old cutoff age to qualify for entry into West Point Academy.